Friday, January 1, 2010

Cute as a Bug

Chris: Evie, how did you get so cute?
Evie: From Mommy.
Chris: Just Mommy?
Evie: Yes, just from Mommy.

I love this girl...


Amy said...

I always try to get Kaitlynn to say that.

Sandy said...

That is very cute! :0)

casual friday every day said...

HAHA! Smart little lady.


Kim said...

Just found you again. I used to read your blog all the time and then my blog list went bye bye. So glad I found you! :)

I love this! I remember when my adopted son would say things like this. How wonderful it is to hear.

Staci A said...

Too too cute!

JOYFUL447 said...


Shari Baby said...

haha! sorry chris. i always told you you were 'pretty....ugly' (& yes, i did learn that from you of course)