Sunday, August 31, 2008

I'm an Aunt

I have two nephews and a niece on Chris' side. They are beautiful, sweet children, and I love them dearly.

But there is news from my side of the family. My sister Rachel and her husband Jyoti are adopting this puppy. We all know: First comes love, then comes marriage, then a dog, then a baby carriage. Right?

No pressure, Rachel. I'm going to love being Auntie Sarah to Raja for now.


Heather said...

Yes, I do believe that is the traditional do-to list.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes next is baby haha

Anonymous said...

Just hold your horses sister. There's plenty of time for that baby carriage. I'm not a withered old woman yet. ;)

Let's just see if I can handle the puppy...

You know, Martha's 25 or 26 already. She could be up for motherhood...